our interconnection is the nightmare of the 1%

An image of two POC queer characters laying on ground, in a field of green clover and calendula.
'Planting Seeds' Print, 2025

breath in: I am powerful. 
breath out: You are powerful. 
repeat: Our power lies in our connection to each other.
because your power is great and our power together, is greater.

property-hoarding billionaires, elites, and politicians with lineages stacked with stolen wealth all suffer from the same dis-ease: the belief that their success was made on their own, not by their theft of wage, land, resource, property and people. 

these folks are primarily white men but also scab poc who value their comfort over asking, 'what happens to the rest of us?' (p.s. the answer is: it will happen to them, too). 

the 1% who own banks, universities, tech companies, insurance agencies, diamond and cobalt mines, music industries and essential life-sustaining services. the ones who say they aren't as evil as 'the other guy' but stay bombing kids and throwing others in cages in the name of "democracy." 

they do not want you to know that your power lies in your ability to cross divides to form connections with all people on this planet who have also been disenfranchised, dehumanized, and devalued. they will pass bills choked with racist dog whistles, ban books, defund libraries, draw tighter and tighter borders, and deploy police to keep you from knowing the truth about each other.

we can learn to move like water and create a tidal wave of accessible resources for all of us, not just some of us. our power together can honor the dignity of all of Creation without succumbing to the dis-ease of domination. 

breath in: I am powerful. 
breath out: You are powerful. 
repeat: Our power lies in our connection to each other.
because your power is great and our power together, is greater.

(do not lose sight of this meditation as you survive this hellscape and practice building new worlds)

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